Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finding the road

I hope to get this out in the way that I fully experienced it. I was waking up this Monday morning to my wake up call from my best friend with an article out of the ensign that she wanted to share. So much that when she asked me if I was awake and getting a response from me of “yeah” she pushed on to read even thought she knew me well enough that the yeah was really a not really. This did not discourage her from reading this article.  So she started reading and it was the speech of President Dieter F. Uchtdorf talking about WAITING on THE ROAD to Damascus. As she continued to read, I could feel myself dozing until coughing and sniffling startled me awake and I asked her if she was ok. She said she was fine and kept on, relieved she did not key in that I was dozing off and on. The coughing and sniffling continued on as she read and I able to hear the message of the speech because she kept on. She set out to read to me something that touched her heart in a way however the speech did not really touch me as much as it did for her. I could tell she was having problems reading the speech because of her allergies. Instead of just saying ok this can wait she pushed on and read it. To me in my own mind she was on her own steps down that road or maybe it was mine more so then hers. It is like he said in the speech, waiting the road side for God to show he is there, however God is always there and giving us strength and love. That strength and love that God has for us is our shoes that aid us in walking down that road even if it is covered in gravel, He is always there! The fact that she pushed herself past her doubts (which is Satan’s way of working) and kept trying to get the story out made a bigger impact to me then the story itself. Though, this message could not be understood without both the article and her determination. Some times its the little things that make the biggest impact.

Nikki wrote her side of her story here

1 comment:

  1. yaay you have a blog too! I am excited :) I love this talk by Elder Uchtdorf
